Meet the IMS Executive

Research and Interests include:
• INRA Laurel Wreath for Excellence for research on tree-microbe interactions and fungal genomics.
• how soil microorganisms drive forest ecosystems through their roles in important soil processes including decomposition and nutrient turnover as well as carbon sequestration.
• interatction of ectomycorrhizal fungi and symbiotic associations with the roots of forest trees
• large-scale comparative genomics of symbiotic, saprotrophic and pathogenic fungi (with U.S. Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute)
• leads Mycorrhizal Genomics Initiative aiming to identify the genomic features involved in the various mycorrhizal symbiosis.
• metagenomics and metatranscriptomics projects exploring interactions of forest trees with communities of soil fungi impacting carbon sequestration in terrestrial ecosystems.

Research interests include:
• The ecology of mycorrhizal symbioses
• Mycorrhizas and plant invasions
• The influence of soil biota on plant communities
Current Editorial Position – Ecology Letters
Current Research Society Positions and Memberships
• Fellow, Royal Society of Canada
• Member, Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution
• Member, International Mycorrhiza Society
• Member, Soil Ecology Society (President 2010-2011)

Research and Interests Include:
• molecular mechanisms at the basis of the plant-fungus interaction in the arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) symbiosis.
• genetic diversity of AM fungi and their endosymbiotic bacteria
• mechanisms controlling nutrient uptake and morphogenetic processes in the fungal partner
• systemic effect of the AM symbiosis with emphasis on plant responses to pathogen attacks.

Research and Interests include:
• use of microbes in sustainable agrosystems and restoration
• community ecology of arbuscular mycorrhizas in undisturbed, natural systems.
• Associate Editor for two peer-reviewed journals and has
• served on the NSERC Scholarships and Fellowships panel (Ecology) (2013-15)

Research and Interests include:
• fungal ecology and systematics
• ectomycorrhizal community ecology, spore banks, and epiparasitic plants
• development of widely used molecular methods.
• past-president of the Mycological Society of America.
• Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the California Academy of Science, and the Mycological Society of America.
• distinguished teaching awards from the College of Natural Resources and the Mycological Society of America.