Become a member of the IMS International Mycorrhiza Society!
Membership in the IMS helps to create a global community interested in the research and development of mycorrhizae, one of the most exciting plant symbiosis in the world!
Be a part of the many individuals, students, businesses and scientists, engaged in works and projects on mycorrhizae and plant symbiosis!

All NEW and FORMER members please RENEW Your Membership! This will allow you to receive a discount for registration to the next ICOM!
LIFETIME MEMBERS must LOGIN to update their profile!
(LOGIN instructions are found in your recent email newsletter. CONTACT us for more information)
Select your membership level below
$1002 yrs
- all memberships in US$
$502 yrs
- all memberships in US$
$2502 yrs
- all memberships in US$
- all memberships in US$
Individual Membership advantages:
- Discounted registration fee to ICOM
- IMS newsletter
- Voting on Society business and officer elections
- Participation in Society committees
- Networking opportunities with colleagues
- Member pricing for the Mycorrhiza Journal for $93 USD a year
Student Membership has all advantages of Indivudidual membership PLUS:
- Eligibility for IMS travel fellowships
- Eligibility for the Harley Medal for the best ICOM student presentation
- Eligibility for Australia award
- Access to IMS employment resources and eventual job fairs at ICOM and other meetings
- Member pricing for the Mycorrhiza Journal for $93 USD a year
- Half price off Individual Membership dues.
Corporate membership includes all the advantages of individual membership PLUS:
- Gain credibility for the industry and your business
- Networking with participating mycorrhizal manufacturers
- Increase business opportunities
- Increase collaborative research opportunities
- Increase market/business intelligence
- Corporate membership dues include membership for 2 company members.
- Member pricing for the Mycorrhiza Journal for $93 USD a year
Lifetime membership has all the advantages of individual membership PLUS:
- A one-time payment
- Member pricing for the Mycorrhiza Journal for $93 USD a year
- Access forever!
IMS membership is good for 2 years and gives the member access to ICOM registration discount.
- Membership allows you a discount to next ICOM (membership info is shared between IMS and ICOM to facilitate discount)
- Membership expiry notice will be automatically sent to each member
- Membership dues are accepted online through our secure payment system (credit card only)
- All fees are in US $.