Dr. Sally Smith, BA., MA., PhD., DSc.

Dear IMS members,
We are very sorry to inform you that Sally Smith passed away suddenly and unexpectedly on the 12th of September. We all know Sally for her outstanding and fantastic contribution to mycorrhizal research and the promotion of our field in many countries across the World, and through her active, energetic and very positive attitude.
For those of you that were present at the most recent ICOM 10 in Merida, Mexico, you will remember that she was presented with the Eminent Mycorrhiza Researcher Award.
Sally was an Emeritus Professor at the University of Adelaide. She held BA, MA and PhD degrees from The University of Cambridge and a DSc from the University of Adelaide. She was a world authority on arbuscular mycorrhizas, having co-authored all three editions of the definitive text Mycorrhizal Symbiosis, and was a Hi-Cite researcher.
In addition to being elected a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science, she had won numerous awards including the J.K. Taylor, OBE, Gold Medal in Soil Science awarded by the Soil Science Society of Australia. She was also a Honorary Professor at the Research Centre for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Honorary Research Professor at the Chinese Agricultural University..
She has been a giant in mycorrhizal research and her passing leaves a big gap. Our thoughts are with Sally’s family at this difficult time.
Yours Sincerely,
The Executive and the Board of the International Mycorrhiza Society
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