Diversity and Inclusivity Statement of the IMS (International Mycorrhiza Society)

The International Mycorrhiza Society (IMS) is committed to promoting the international study of mycorrhizas, to raising public awareness of the importance of this symbiosis, and to facilitating and expanding communication between IMS members, policy-makers, granting councils and other stakeholders

  • Our Society embraces diversity and inclusivity and believes that all members, visitors, and event participants deserve to be treated with respect, dignity, and kindness and will treat others in the same manner.
  • The IMS will not tolerate discrimination against members of any form, including discrimination based on age, cultural background, ethnicity, gender identity or expression, national origin, physical or mental difference, political affiliation, pregnancy or parental role, race, religion, sexual orientation, or socio-economic circumstance.
  • The IMS recognizes that all of our members have roles to play in promoting diversity and encouraging inclusivity in Society activities, including member meetings to help ensure that voices of underrepresented communities are heard within our society.
  • The IMS is committed to proactively promoting a culture of equity, diversity, and inclusivity through the implementation of our standing rules, committee work, and by identifying and tackling barriers to the participation of its members.

Code of Conduct for membership in the IMS

This code of conduct is modified from that stated by the Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution.

The Code applies to membership and all activities, meetings, and events that are organized by IMS.

This code should be reviewed with each International Conference on Mycorrhiza (ICOM) to reflect ongoing discussions on diversity and inclusivity.

By becoming a member of IMS you agree to abide by this code of conduct.


If you have questions or concerns about the Code of Conduct or wish to file a complaint please email the IMS at code0fconduct@mycorrhizas.org

To create and foster a safe, welcoming space for the diversity of our members we expect our members to:

  • Communicate openly and with respect for others.
  • Not engage in personal attacks.
  • Critique ideas, not people.
  • Respect the rules and policies of venues hosting ICOM.
  • Endeavour to behave respectfully towards the local culture.
Harassment in any form will not be tolerated.

Harassment is defined as systematic, continued unwanted or annoying actions of one party to another.

Harassment includes, but is not limited to: offensive gestures or speech related to ethnicity, religion, disability, health condition, appearance, gender, sexual orientation, family status, career status, or social status, as well as deliberate intimidation, stalking, following, unwanted photography or recording, sustained disruption of presentations and events, unwelcome attention or physical contact, or sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is unwelcome verbal, written, or physical attention (including actions designed to intimidate or coerce), such as unwanted and unnecessary touching or other physical contact, unwanted comments, suggestions, or questions regarding sexual activity, and using degrading words, images, or sounds to describe a person.

Unacceptable behaviour explained as attempted humor or disguised as humour still constitutes unacceptable behaviour as defined above.

Other examples of unacceptable behaviour include:

  • Physical or verbal abuse of any participant at ICOM.
  • Engaging in discrimination against persons or groups.
  • Use of sexual or discriminatory images in public spaces or in presentations.
  • Bullying in person or on-line.
  • Retaliation for reporting of unacceptable behaviour.
  • Advocating for or encouraging any of the above mentioned behaviours.

Impairment from alcohol, cannabis, or illegal substances is not an excuse for unacceptable behaviour.

If you are the subject of unacceptable behaviour, or have witnessed such behaviour in an IMS member, please immediately notify codeofconduct@mycorrhizas.org.

Complaints should not be made via social media. This is to ensure the confidentiality and fairness of the complaints process, and that complaints are received in a timely manner.

If the offense occurs at an ICOM, complaint assessments shall be the responsibility of a person or committee to be appointed by the IMS board of directors before each ICOM. If the offense occurs outside of ICOM, assessments will be made by the Executive and Board of Directors. All complaints will be kept confidential to the extent it is possible.

You may submit an anonymous complaint. The IMS will retain anonymous complaints; however, the society will not be able to take action on a single anonymous complaint without further corroboration.

All complaints will be documented, regardless of whether any disciplinary action occurs.

All complaints will be assessed. This may include gathering details and information from the complainant, the target (if not the complainant), and witnesses. The complainant or target will not be expected to discuss the incident with the offending party.

Outcomes of assessments will not be made public but those filing complaints may request to be informed of the outcome.

Violators of this Code of Conduct will receive a written documentation of actions taken in response to a complaint.

The IMS boards of directors shall be responsible for implementing all responses and sanctions that may be decided on following a complaint.

The IMS reserves the right to remove an individual from an ICOM without warning or refund, prohibit attendance at future meetings of the society, and rescind memberships in the society for failing to abide by this Code of Conduct.

Requests to appeal sanctions imposed consequent to this Code of conduct may be made after the meeting conclusion to the Society President, who will appoint an appeals committee.