ICOM International Conference on Mycorrhiza

ICOM provides an international forum for all scientific and applied areas of the mycorrhizal symbiosis. The conference allows participants to present their current research to the international community in the form of either oral presentations or posters. Workshops,presentations and discussions covering topical issues related to the basic biology of the symbiosis, forestry, agronomy, and horticulture form an essential part of the conference. Student participation is especially encouraged. Scientists, academics, technologists, foresters, coporations, and others on a quest for knowledge on sustainable and organic agriculture and wasteland reclamation are also welcomed.
ICOM is held every 2 years. The IMS (International Mycorrhiza Society) is the primary sponsor for ICOM. Membership to the IMS is encouraged to obtain a conference registration discount. IMS members vote for the next venue and you must be a member in good standing to vote. IMS memberships expire every two years and the conference discount is only available for the current conference.